
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Intricate handmade headbands

Now that my hair is super short and wavy, it's tres stubborn and does whatever it wants. In the mornings, it's fluffy and full. You can see me walking around at home with PJs and a heavy winter hat to flatten it down. When I'm out and about, I keep my hat on because I have no clue what shape or form my hair will take. Lately I've been looking for a cute headband to accentuate the short hair, and not hide it! While going through my blogroll today, I found that Sarah of Living the GOOD Life is having a headband giveaway! She's extremely creative and does such great work (you can tell from the photos)! I've already entered and hopefully I'll win the scarlett headband. The flowers on it are made from zippers!

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