
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tis Earth Day today!

Some eco conscious goodies for the eco conscious person in you! Clean and green is a major theme this year and I think it's great, though late, that we realise what we need to do! Did I just spell realize funny?

Clicking the pictures will bring you to their websites. I shall proceed to ordering some after I get my next paycheck and pay my rent.

I've been trying this couch to 5K plan I downloaded off the internet. It's supposed to get me in tip top running shape in 9 weeks. It's week 3 now, and I can run .2 miles now, yay! No, the "." before 2 is not a typo. My body is pooped!! I can barely feel my limbs anymore and my heart doesn't want to beat anymore. Why does anyone exercise, why??? Now I'm off to studying 10 chapter of stupid bio. Why does life suck?

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